Debt consolidation loans in Australia


If you found yourself in debt, it can be difficult finding your way out of it. One way to dig yourself out of a mound of bills is to consult with a debt consolidation company. They don't provide loans, but instead provide consulting services that can negotiate on your behalf with your creditors and establish a fair repayment and debt elimination agreement. They can reduce or even eliminate interest rates, reduce the overall amount of your debt you owe, lower your monthly payments into one simple payment, protect your property, stop creditors from harassing you, and help you avoid bankruptcy.

List of debt consolidation companies in Australia

RDA Credit Fix - A Australian debt consolidation company that can help you become debt free in 12-48 months. RDA will negotiate with your creditors to reduce all of your debts into one monthly payment. They are a Government Registered Debt Agreement Administrator in Australia.

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1300 736 136

Debt Life Line - A professional debt specialist in Australia that helps assist consumers with overcoming financial difficulties. They hold an Australian Credit Licence. The can help you make an offer to creditors based on your ability to pay, consolidate your unsecured debts into just one debt agreement, stop ongoing accruing interest, civil court actions, bailiffs from enforcing civil court judgments and cease wage garnishments. They offer a free assessment with no up-front fees.

Contact Information

Address: PO BOX 5140, GCMC QLD 9726
Phone: 1300 661 671

Debt Mediators Of Australia - They can provide information on debt consolidation and hardship arrangements. They can assist you with debt agreements, personal insolvency agreements, and bankruptcy advice.

Contact Information

Phone: 1300 99 10 39
Fax: 07 3552 6699
Email: [email protected]
Mail: Debt Mediators, PO Box 3074, Newstead, QLD, 4006
Office Address: DCS Group, 57 Hayward St, Stafford, QLD, 4053

Fos Symes - They provide debt consolidation solutions to Australians such as budgeting assistance, creditor arrangements, arrangement of third party debt consolidation loans and mortgage financing, debt agreements, personal insolvency agreements and bankruptcy assistance.

Contact Information

Postal Address: Level 3, 70 Phillip St. Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 1300 361 204

Get Debt Free - They have professional advisors that can assist you with debt consolidation, bankruptcy, debt management, debt agreements, personal insolvency agreements, and company liquidations. They are members of the IPA, DAPA (Debt Agreement Practitioners Association), and Chartered Accountants.

Contact Information

Phone: 1800 981 070

Disclaimer: The above information was written in good faith, but we cannot guarantee accuracy or credit approval. If you feel the information is inaccurate or have a lender you wish to add to our list, please email us at [email protected].